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Twiddly.Bits can be used to create music from scratch. They can also be used to add spice (and ‘musicianship’) to an existing piece of music by adding parts and loops that have been created by our real live musicians.

We use SMF (.MID files) as the main format because .MIDs can be loaded into pretty well any sequencer application. And once loaded, you are then free to be able to choose any playback sound you have access to.

None of this is difficult to do but it is still a revolutionary concept and we appreciate you may need to see and hear how all this works in practice.

The media below is available so you can hear music that has been recorded using Twiddly.Bits, download some test files, hear and view audio and video podcasts, and read some tutorials.

Downloadable Demos

The demos below were mostly recorded using the sounds in a Yamaha Motif ES and saved as an .MP3. The corresponding .mid files are examples of the raw files used to create them. Load the .MID files into your sequencer, and experience the ease of working with MIDI.

*If you playing the .MID files direct from the web they will initially load General MIDI sounds found in Windows Media or QuickTime, depending upon your computer's setup. We recommend you (also) load files into your DAW/sequencer and experiment with a far broader range of playback sounds for the full Twiddly.Bits experience!

Twiddly.Bits Volume of orgin
(follow the links for complete .MP3 demos)
.MP3 Version
(Recorded using MOTIF ES sounds)
.MID Version
(To load in your sequencer)
Electric & Acoustic Guitar
Drums & Percussion
Jazz Piano, Bass & Drums
Bottoms Up, The Bass Volume
Future Beats
Drums & Percussion



Podcast1 (Dave S) Download an MP3 audio file demoing musically what Twiddly.Bits can do for you!
(demo.mp3 - MP3 file kbps, 1.3Mb download)

Podcast2 (Dave S) Download an MP3 audio file answering your questions about what Twiddly.Bits are!
(faq.mp3 - MP3 file 64 kbps, 1.3Mb download)



Using the Keyfax Twiddly Bits MIDI Loop series in Cubase.

Using Twiddly.Bits on the Motif XF

Using Twiddly.Bits on the MOXF


These PDF files will help you get the Twiddly.Bits loaded and running with your sequencer software.

Steinberg's Cubase Emagic's Logic Motu's Digital Performer Cakewalk's Sonar


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Twiddly.Bits Bottoms Up-The Bass Volume
Twiddly.Bits Bottoms Up-The Bass Volume
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Twiddly.Bits The Funk
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Twiddly.Bits Reggae Grooves
Twiddly.Bits Jazz Piano-Bass & Drums
Twiddly.Bits Jazz Piano-Bass & Drums
Twiddly.Bits Drums & Percussion
Twiddly.Bits Drums & Percussion

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